it’s not that I don’t care…

it’s not that I don’t want to hear you

its just that too many mouths want my ears

it’s not that I don’t want to see you

it’s just so many faces want my eyes

it’s not that I don’t want to hold you

it’s just that so  many people want my embrace


it’s  not that I don’t care

its just that too many hearts want my care…

do not worry

I will be there for you


but do not forget

I’m only human…



MY best

Don’t let anyone compare you to anyone else

Because any one person is the never the same another …

Don’t let people push you down just because you couldn’t  reach their expectations

Hear my words they bring revelations

Don’t let  them suppress you with condemnation

And the the  declaration




Pen or mouth

sometimes deciding on the way and manner I want express myself is a bit challenging.

Should I use my pen and skilfully place my thoughts onto paper so that I may come back one day to reflect on them.

or should I use my mouth and voice my thoughts for people to hear…and possibly relate.

pen or mouth?

should I use my pen as a vessel through which my emotions can flow from heart to page and no one hears them.

or should I use my mouth to express my feelings since no one could see them

pen or mouth?

If I write my thoughts down no one would know what I’m thinking, no one would relate

but If I say what I’m thinking people might disagree, possibly flee

if I pour my feelings down onto paper, people won’t know what I’m feeling

but if I voice my feelings , people might reject them…

pen or mouth?

I should decide…


maybe my thoughts should just stay in my mind

and my feelings should just stay in my heart

because I still can’t decide

pen or mouth…

or is there another way?




Be proud of yourself first, before anyone else becomes proud of you (don’t rely on people)


Relying on people for your value is a shortcut to unhappiness (in my opinion). I know of many people who live by people’s compliments about them, praise, flattery and all that(me too at times). There is nothing wrong with people liking you or something about you or what you do, but, if you find yourself sad or disappointed because someone did not compliment you or flatter you then it means you are depending on people for your worth. what do I mean?

Well  if someone doesn’t compliment you about your beauty and you start feeling ugly just because they didn’t compliment you, then it means that you were depending on that person for your beauty. do you get what I’m saying?

If you depend on people’s reactions to determine whether or not you are beautiful, handsome, sufficient, worthy then you are depending on people for your value.

Tell yourself everyday that you are handsome, beautiful. If you do something well be proud of yourself first before anyone else becomes proud of you.

Don’t put your worth in people’s hands, people are flawed, put your worth in god almighty and trust me in him you are so worthy and so valuable!


Rename it, change perspective

hey there society 🙂

Sometimes, okay a lot of times, I feel like I’m so unlucky to have all the trials and tribulations that life throws at me. I find it very unfair.

Hearing my friends complaining about their “big problems” which seem very small when I compare them to my own does not help either. Have you ever found yourself asking why me? I didn’t choose this so why do I have to be the one affected?

Those are questions I asked myself a lot until I decided to rename my situation. Instead of saying “I’m so unlucky” I now see it as being divinely “chosen” by god to be the one to go through all that because he knew that I would be strong enough to live through it all.

sometimes it just take a little renaming to change perspective and to motivate yourself.

Listen carefully

Listen carefully to the words I’m about to say
Because I don’t say them everyday
I love that your smile is so wide it goes from ear to ear
And how you laugh so loud without fear
I love the refreshing feel of your hands
And how you spontaneously change our plans
I’m sorry that I don’t tell you this more often so:
My love, listen carefully to the words I’m about to say
Because I don’t say them everyday
I love you


garbage is the name i give to all the ugly words i said to myself when i felt ugly

it is the title i give to all those names the ‘cool girls’ used to call me

it is the name i give to all the feelings that i felt whenever you hurt me

garbage is the name i give to every negative force that caused an equal reaction in me

its all garbage and yet i kept it all in my heart

is garbage not meant to be thrown away or recycled into something better

i have decided to recycle my garbage

and create a tool which can help guide me in my future choices