“Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.”

hey there society! 🙂


“Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.”

Have you ever had a great idea,tried it out and it didn’t work out? Have you ever been given a blessing and then failed to use that blessing? Have you ever been surrounded by people who didn’t believe in you? Have you ever been told to just give up? If so, DID YOU GIVE UP?

Many people in life give up so easily its frustrating to see, just one mistake that they make and then they deem themselves incapable of doing it right, incapable of success itself. Well i say to hell with all that because you can do it! Mistakes are inevitable unless you are perfectly perfect of which none of us are . Mistakes are nothing but learning curves in our lives, they are actually  good in a way because they give us some perspective of our lives and what we have been doing wrong all along. if you a have a business idea and it does not work out, do not give up just think of another brilliant idea and try again. J.K Rowling (author of harry potter) was rejected 12 times before her book was actually published and now she is a millionaire if not a billionaire but would she have had all this success if had just given up upon the first rejection of her book? NO!

As Mr Winston Churchill said “Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm.” And if there is anyone in your life who does not believe that you can do it, PROVE TO THEM THAT YOU CAN. I once read a quote that said ” the ones saying that you won’t, are probably the ones scared that you will.”


hey there society! do you feel this message?

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2016!!! The new year is here and we are all making our resolutions. I wish you all the best for this year. May your days be filled with laughter and smiles. I am excited to go on this journey with my new blog and excited for your support. All the best xoxoxo