Art and talents and stuff 😆

20160322_190530Hey there society! 😆
Check out my painting! 😄😆:)☺

Art is a vessel through which many people can convey their feelings and thoughts and ideas…I’m one of those people.😄😆
I am gifted with the talent of art, art in many forms namely music, poetry, painting, sketching.
I thank god every day for the fact that I am fortunate enough to have realised and exercise my talents but then it posed a question in my head.
How many people out there have awsome talents but don’t know it? How many people have awsome talents but can’t exercise those talents due to certain circumstances? I think that it is important for us to try things and activities so that we know what we are good at. Although there are those who may have a desire to do something like perhaps painting but cannot afford the paint and stuff…that does bring pain to my heart:'(. So for those of us who can exercise our tAlents let us do it to the fullest! Do you have a special talent that you have ? If you don’t know it yet can you dedicate yourself to finding out what your talent is? That is my challenge to you 😉

(Share your talents in the comments section ;))