Listen carefully

Listen carefully to the words I’m about to say
Because I don’t say them everyday
I love that your smile is so wide it goes from ear to ear
And how you laugh so loud without fear
I love the refreshing feel of your hands
And how you spontaneously change our plans
I’m sorry that I don’t tell you this more often so:
My love, listen carefully to the words I’m about to say
Because I don’t say them everyday
I love you


garbage is the name i give to all the ugly words i said to myself when i felt ugly

it is the title i give to all those names the ‘cool girls’ used to call me

it is the name i give to all the feelings that i felt whenever you hurt me

garbage is the name i give to every negative force that caused an equal reaction in me

its all garbage and yet i kept it all in my heart

is garbage not meant to be thrown away or recycled into something better

i have decided to recycle my garbage

and create a tool which can help guide me in my future choices


Endlessly we fight the battle between what we want and what society says we should want, what we need and what society says we should need, what we love and what society says we should love, endlessly we fight…

But is it really a battle worth fighting? Are not our different opinions the things that make us individuals? But I guess this we can debate endlessly …



hey there society!

well apparently the women of today are :

according to the older women:”getting out of control” because they are going out too just like men do.

according to the older men: ” undermining their husbands” because they earn more than their husbands due to the simple fact that they are hardworking.

according to some senseless jerks : ” need a little beating” because their strong, independent personalities refuse to be pushed down or used


but according to me: “women are strong and caring and deserve recognition and respect for what they do”  because due to men’s lack of responsibility women have had to step up and be the men of their households.

hey society, what are women of today like according to you? respond in the comment section.
