Be proud of yourself first, before anyone else becomes proud of you (don’t rely on people)


Relying on people for your value is a shortcut to unhappiness (in my opinion). I know of many people who live by people’s compliments about them, praise, flattery and all that(me too at times). There is nothing wrong with people liking you or something about you or what you do, but, if you find yourself sad or disappointed because someone did not compliment you or flatter you then it means you are depending on people for your worth. what do I mean?

Well  if someone doesn’t compliment you about your beauty and you start feeling ugly just because they didn’t compliment you, then it means that you were depending on that person for your beauty. do you get what I’m saying?

If you depend on people’s reactions to determine whether or not you are beautiful, handsome, sufficient, worthy then you are depending on people for your value.

Tell yourself everyday that you are handsome, beautiful. If you do something well be proud of yourself first before anyone else becomes proud of you.

Don’t put your worth in people’s hands, people are flawed, put your worth in god almighty and trust me in him you are so worthy and so valuable!


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