Pen or mouth

sometimes deciding on the way and manner I want express myself is a bit challenging.

Should I use my pen and skilfully place my thoughts onto paper so that I may come back one day to reflect on them.

or should I use my mouth and voice my thoughts for people to hear…and possibly relate.

pen or mouth?

should I use my pen as a vessel through which my emotions can flow from heart to page and no one hears them.

or should I use my mouth to express my feelings since no one could see them

pen or mouth?

If I write my thoughts down no one would know what I’m thinking, no one would relate

but If I say what I’m thinking people might disagree, possibly flee

if I pour my feelings down onto paper, people won’t know what I’m feeling

but if I voice my feelings , people might reject them…

pen or mouth?

I should decide…


maybe my thoughts should just stay in my mind

and my feelings should just stay in my heart

because I still can’t decide

pen or mouth…

or is there another way?




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